martes, agosto 25, 2009
domingo, agosto 23, 2009
NetSetMan 2.6
MD5: D5B3D96FD096C5DFD2041DEA2E07E01F
Information: website
Size: 1.38 MB
MediaFire: Download
License: Freeware
Are you tired of changing your network configuration every day on your notebook or computer? NetSetMan is a network settings manager which can easily switch between 6 different, visually structured profiles including: IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, Preferred & Alternate DNS Server, Computer Name, Workgroup, DNS Domain, WINS Server, Default Printer, Run Scripts.
viernes, agosto 21, 2009
Easeus Todo backup: backup, restore and mount drive partitions
Easeus Todo backup is a free program that can create backup images of your hard drives or partitions and restore them on demand, and can also copy (clone) a hard disk/partition into another. It can process active primary (boot) partition via a bootable CD/DVD that it will create for you on-demand. Advanced options include mounting of disk image files for easy browsing of their contents, compression, and password encryption.Supports most file systems as well as most hard drive types.
Imagine the following scenario: you’ve freshly re-installed Windows, installed your crucial security apps and a handful of essential programs that you use; that you installed all the security patches and updates and driver updates; the "perfect", unadulterated state that you would love to be able to go back to if problems arise or something happens that decreases your system’s performance.
Another scenario: you wake up one morning and find that your computer is not booting. After running your PC manufacturer’s built-in diagnostic utility, you are heartened to find that there is apparently nothing wrong with the hard drive surface and that the problem is software-related. You wish that you could go back to a previous state when things were working swimmingly.
What both scenarios above have in common, of course, is that you can use a disk-imaging app such as Easeus Todo backup to solve both situations by creating backup images of your hard drive partitions and restoring them later when you need to.
SEVEN things I like about this program:
- Creates its own bootable disk: to enable booting into the program and restoring the active primary boot partitions. This is great because (a) it is so easy and quick, and (b) a number of freeware hard disk imaging programs that I’ve seen simply (and strangely) do not support boot partition restoration.
- Mounts image files: for quick browsing of files/contents. Read only.
- Offers file-by-file copying or sector-by-sector: unless you expressly want the latter, the former (file-by-file) is faster. It is also more user-friendly if restoring to a larger hard drive.
- Backup straight to CD/DVD: and will split the image file by appropriately sized chunks.
- Free for both personal and business use.
- The help file: is excellent and informative beyond what I would have expected, and thus warrants a mention.
- The interface design: simple, clean easy to use.
More features:
- Clone disk: very useful if you are upgrading to a larger hard drive and want to move all the data over.
- Compresses and/or password encrypts image files: optional.
- SupportsWindows server 03 and 08. I mention this because it is apparently a unique feature esp .among freeware programs of this kind.
- Supported file systems: FAT12, FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS.
- Supported partition sizes: minimum 2 gigs, max 1.5 TB.
- Supported hard drive types: IDE, SATA, SCSI, USB removable disk, and Firewire disks
The verdict: this program inspires confidence if only because it is from the same people that gave us the excellent EASEUS Partition Master (one of my favorite free disk partitioning programs). It manages to combine advanced features with a really simple interface design that both novices and advanced users will appreciate.
I also like the fact that this program can create bootable media quickly and that it can be easily booted into. No hunting around the internet to figure out how to install it into BartPE or something like it.
But the best thing about it is that it does the job and does it well. Recommended.
Version Tested: 1.0
Compatibility: Windows 2000 (SP4), XP (32 and 64 bit), Vista (32 and 64 bit), Server 2003 (32 and 64 bit), and Server 2008 (32 and 64 bit).
Go to the program page to download the latest version (approx 35.3 megs).
jueves, agosto 20, 2009
Does Google Website Optimizer Work On Large Sites?
viernes, agosto 14, 2009
Usar las herramientas de google para Project Management
Google ofrece una serie de servicios en la red muy interesantes, desde gmail para el correo eletrónico hasta google sites que permite gestionar información documentación de fprma colaborativa. Estos servicios, la mayoría de ellos gratuitos, los podemos utilizar como herramientas de Project Management, además si disponemos de dominio propio, podemos configurarlo con google apps. A continuación doy pistas sobre como ultilizar la potencia de google para gestionar nuestros proyectos:
etiquetas: project, management, google, herramientas
"jueves, agosto 13, 2009
La propuesta de la CEOE de bajar los sueldos la aplica el gobierno desde hace años
Mucho se está criticando a Díaz Ferrán y a la CEOE por su propuesta de bajada de salarios del 1% que ha propuesto como medida para aliviar la situación empresarial.
Es más, en el post que ha publicado Alejandro comentando la medida de la CEOE, algunos comentaristas claman al cielo contra la CEOE y contra los intereses empresariales, pero no están tomando una perspectiva adecuada a la realidad del problema. La bajada de salarios es tan real como la vida la misma y la estamos sufriendo como mínimo desde el año 2003, de manera directa y encubierta.
Todos los rendimientos del trabajo están sujetos al impuesto sobre la renta, en mayor o menor medida, de tal forma que la mayoría de trabajadores, pensionistas y demás tributan por este impuesto. Hablamos de unos 18.000.000 de declarantes en donde el 70% obtienen su fuente principal de ingresos por los rendimientos del trabajo.
La renta disponible de estos trabajadores se define como el salario bruto menos todos los impuestos que soportan, es decir, su seguridad social y su IRPF. Vamos a llevar a cabo una demostración numérica sencilla para que veamos cómo no deflactar las tarifas del IRPF equivale a una bajada salarial, en donde el beneficiario no es la empresa si no las arcas públicas.
Vamos a suponer un trabajador soltero que ingresó en el 2005 exclusivamente 24.000 euros brutos por los rendimientos del trabajo. El resultado de su declaración de la renta implica que tiene una base liquidable de 16.600 euros y tiene que pagar en el IRPF 3.717,76 euros. Al final, su renta disponible para el año 2005 es de 24.000 – 1.600 (Seg Social) – 3.717,76(IRPF) = 18.682,24 euros como renta disponible.
El IPC acumulado, tomando la tasa de variación en enero, como parámetro utilizado en los convenios colectivos, para aplicar en el 2006 fue del 4,2%. Actualizando el salario conforme el IPC, este trabajador pasa a cobrar 25.008 euros brutos anuales para el ejercicio 2006. Procedamos a calcular su renta disponible.
Como vemos, la renta disponible para el ejercicio 2006 queda en la siguiente cantidad: 25.008 – 1.675,54(Seguridad Social) – 3.960,24(IRPF) = 19.372,22 euros para el ejercicio 2006.
Si actualizamos la renta disponible del ejercicio 2005, 18.682,24 euros mediante el 4,2% de IPC, esta renta sería de 19.466,90 euros, con lo que el trabajador ha bajado su salario en términos reales 94,67 euros, un 0,4% sobre el salario base del 2005.
Esta misma operación la podemos repetir todos los ejercicios y con todas las cantidades, llegando a conclusiones realmente sorprendentes sobre la bajada real de salarios que ha generado el Gobierno por no actualizar las tarifas del IRPF. Es mñás, en Expasión cifran en un aumento de 355 euros en el IRPF desde el ejercicio 2004.
Pero claro, ahí los sindicatos no tenían nada que decir, bien porque no se enteran, bien porque no les ha interesado, al igual que los trabajadores, que sólo han visto amortiguado este efecto mediante la compra de votos con el pago de 400 en el IRPF. ¿Por qué tanto criticar a la CEOE por una medida que lleva puesta en marcha varios años?
Más Información | INE, Agencia Tributaria – Software IRPF
En El Blog Salmón | Bajamos el sueldo el 1% ¿solución a la crisis?
Imagen | montuno
Analytics Data In Excel Through Our API
Thanks to a variety of developers, here are four solutions that can transform you from a reporting monkey to an analysis ninja (as Avinash would say).
- VBA Macros - The simplest solution of them all. Mikael Thuneberg's page explains how to make API requests directly from Excel using VBA Scripts and includes a pre-built Excel worksheet to get you started.
- The Tatvic Excel Plugin - Another easy-to-use plugin for Windows users that supports both Excel 2003 and Excel 2007. To get started you download the plugin then register to use the tool. Its simple UI helps you build complex queries and get data from Analytics right into your Excel worksheet.
- Excellent Analytics - Is an open-source initiative by Mark Red and Dropit. This Excel 2007 plugin works on Vista/XP and comes with a query builder to help you create Google Analytics queries and pull data right into Excel. put together a great step by step tutorial to get started using this plugin.
- ShufflePoint - Works somewhat differently than the solutions above. ShufflePoint has developed a query language that works with the Google Analytics API to achieve common tasks, such as defining the last 30 days as a date range. One then uses this language to construct an Analytics Data Export API query either by navigating to a URL within Excel, or by using their web-based query builder, then importing this data into Excel. This process allows the ShufflePoint solution to work across most versions of Excel, as well as Powerpoint, and iGoogle gadgets.
Posted by Nick Mihailovski, Google Analytics API Team